'Once Upon A Farm' Collection | Chapter 5
Spoiler Alert: For the next few days we are going to uncover each chapter of the Once Upon A Farm collection  Are you ready? Keep scrolling to find out what happens in Chapter 5

The insert reads:

"The Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery spans over 1,000 acres and thrives in Ecuador's tropical climate, featuring rich soil, year-round harvests and lush botanical life. This farm in Chongon grows Ecuadroian lemongrass, which boasts a similar citrusy scent to the bottle of Lemongrass you're receiving today" 

Chapter 5 brings us another beautiful pendant and the Lemongrass Essential Oil blend. According to the insert, 'Oils like Ylang Ylang and Palo Santo from this farm are used in this signature blend.' 


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